Membership in the North Carolina Association of ABC Boards is open to all of the local ABC boards in North Carolina.
The Association’s By-laws concerning membership read as follows:
Article III
Section 1 Members. Membership in the Association shall be available to all county and municipal Alcoholic Beverage Control Boards in North Carolina.
Section 2 New Members. Any county or municipal Alcoholic Beverage Control Board in North Carolina which may be created at any time hereafter shall be eligible for membership in the Association. The Board of Directors and the representatives of a new Alcoholic Beverage Control Board shall estimate the dues of such a new Board for the remainder of its first year of membership, and the new Board shall pay the estimated dues. At the end of the first fiscal year, the actual amount of dues shall be determined and adjusted by additional payment by, or rebate to, the new Member Board.
Section 3 NABCA. The Association may become a member of, and from year to year retain membership in, the National Alcoholic Beverage Control Association in the name of the North Carolina Association of ABC Boards.